To schedule an appointment, click here. To see a list of the courses supported by CTAS for the current semester, select the subject below.
Spring 2025
BI 110
BI 111
BI 131
BI 132
BI 140
BI 201
BI 202
BI 203
BI 301
BI 302
BI 311
BI 425
BI 453
BU 101
BU 102
BU 110
BU 201
BU 203
BU 301
BU 401
CH 120/121
CH 127
CH 128
CH 151
CH 152
CH 251
CH 252
CIS 101
CIS 205
ET 570
ET 574
ET 575
ET 580
ET 704
ET 710
TECH 100
LC 111
LC 112
LC 121
LC 122
LC 213
LC 214
LF 111
LF 112
LS 111
LS 112
ANTH 101
ARTH 100
CRIM 101
CRIM 106
CRIM 201
CRIM 202
CRIM 203
CRIM 205
ECON 101
ECON 102
HE 102
HE 107
PHIL 101
PLSC 101
PSYC 101
PSYC 215
PSYC 220
PSYC 230
PSYC 250
PSYC 260
SOCY 101
MUS 102
HIST 110
HIST 111
HIST 112
HIST 127
HIST 128
HIST 132
HIST 136
HIST 140
HIST 141
HIST 152
HIST 193
HIST 203
HIST 204
HIST 205
HIST 206
HIST 207
HIST 208
HIST 209
HIST 211
HIST 218
HIST 219
HIST 222
HIST 223
HIST 226
HIST 238
HIST 239
HIST 244
HIST 250
HIST 252
HIST 253
HIST 262
HIST 264
HIST 265
HIST 276
HIST 281
HIST 290
HIST 291
HIST 292
HIST 295
NU 101
PH 101
PH 111
PH 112
PH 201
PH 202
PH 301
PH 302
PH 311
PH 312
PH 416
PH 421
PH 422
PH 440
Using the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.
QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.
The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.